Four Lots in Burton/Burton Heights Cause Problems with Illegal Dumping

 Four Lots in Burton/Burton Heights Cause Problems with Illegal Dumping

Article Written: March 19, 2021 at 11:34 AM
The empty lot on the corner of East 26th Street & Downing Avenue in Burton, that has been the main issues with illegal dumping problems.

Four Lots in the Burton/Burton Heights neighborhoods of East Erie have been causing problems with residents illegally dumping trash, furniture, and other random items. The first lot is the empty lot on the corner of East 26th Street & Downing Avenue in Burton. The empty lot was supposed to be the construction site of more townhomes being built under the name "Zoey Meadows" in 2012. The sign however has since been removed and there is now furniture, trash, boats and abandoned train trailers on the lot. The address of the lot is registered as 1800 to 1830 East 26th Street. After further searching of Zoey Meadows, the owners of the empty lot came to be Royal Homes Construction & Development which office is located at 1854 East 26th Street in Burton, only a block away from the empty lot. Royal Homes also owns the abandoned house at 2708 Downing Avenue (Corner of East 27th Street & Downing Avenue) in Burton Heights. After many times, Royal Homes did not bother to answer our phone calls and didn't bother to call us back after we left a message. The abandoned house also causes problems with crime and illegal dumping as well, as there is broken furniture and trash all over the outside and the old driveway of the house. The House was bought by Royal Homes when the house was for sale in 2008, and the company hasn't bother to do anything to the house besides mow the grass or board up the house after it gets broken into. Royal Homes also owns the townhomes on 1840 East 26th Street in Burton and according to residents, they do a terrible job at inspecting apartments and helping out tenants when there's any issues. Besides the two lots that Royal Homes neglects to take any care of, there is two more lots in Burton Heights that also have issues with illegal dumping. The third one is East Erie Nature Trail Park on the corner of East 26th Street & McCain Avenue in Burton Heights. The park has trash and dumped tires scattered all around the park and the only people who manage the park are neighborhood residents who come whenever they can to clean it, with then more trash being dumped the next day all over again. The fourth area is the wooded lot over by the Bayfront Bikeway off of East 28th Street in Burton Heights. As it was cleaned up recently by the City of Erie, there used to be dumped beds and furniture all a long the Bayfront Bikeway exit to Burton Heights. The City of Erie however finally took care of the issue after many complaints from people wanting to walk or ride a bike on the Bikeway.

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